Amanda's Story


Amanda kidney failure was steamed from the development of type-one diabetes. After being on dialysis for about 6 months, she was able to receive her transplant in 2006. Amanda described the transplant experience as a “miracle”.

The transplant has open doors to new opportunities and allow her to live a normal life she has always dreamed of. “I’ve been able to regain employment, I’ve been able to work full working week, full time effectively, successfully. We’ve been able to engage a social life again rather than being too ill to go out and enjoy ourselves” These were probably things a normal  person usually go through, but for a Kidney Patient like Amanda, the ability to live a normal life is like gift in itself. The transplant has gave her strength and she was able to appreciate even the smallest things in life. “I’m a totally different person... I think it’s given me strength of character to pursue my goals and work towards achieving everything I want to achieve.”

Amada was lucky to not have faced much setback after her transplant. The only complication she faced was a diabetic related condition which cause her to feel nauseous. This has made it difficult for her to maintain her daily intake of medical pills. These medication were design to help treat and prevent any infection or potential complications patient may experience after operation.  It is important that patient keeps up with their medication as the body become relatively weak after operation and it is more susceptible to outside infections.

Her advice to patient who are about to experience a Kidney Transplant is to stay inform and take advantage of all the resources available to them. “You should be aware of your condition.” She said. Being more aware will help give one a more realistic expectation regarding one own recovery and post-transplant requirement. Amanda emphasis that the transplant procedure isn’t a walk in the park. “It takes a lot of vigour and strength of character on the patient's part and that of the carer and family and friends as well.” It is best of patient to always stay informed and be prepare for any potential setback.

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