James' Story


James has faced kidney complications over an extended period of time. It gradually lead to a point where he requires to undergo dialysis treatment.

Being on dialysis has greatly impacted James's life. It was a period of time where life seem to have stopped.“ Basically, life revolves around dialysis 24/7” he described. It was difficult for him to balance out working 8 hours a day with a 5 hours dialysis treatment 3 times a week. In most cases, he couldn't find enough quality time to be with his children. “My day would start at probably four o’clock in the morning and finish about 7:30 at night. Then I’d get home just in time to see  my wife who’s ready for bed and miss out on seeing my kids. That was pretty hard.”

After being on the waiting list for 5 years, he was fortunate enough to receive a transplant.  “I remember going in lying on the bed waiting to go into surgery and just having a quiet chat to the nurses prepping you. Then I woke up with my family stood around me” He recalled. James was considered lucky to not have faced much complication and side effects after his transplant. Even though he does know of others who have experienced such complications, nevertheless it didn't  keep his spirit down. “I try not to look at the bad side of things personally because that’s not in my nature” he explained.

The transplant has turned his life around. He could find good quality time to be with his family. “The transplant turned out beautifully. I do things with my kids.  I go out and about. I didn't see a doctor, no needles or a waiting list.  It was fantastic.” Although he was required to take tablet every day (morning and night), however it didn't discourage him. He was thankful to be surrounded by his supportive family who were always there to encourage him and ensure that he was keeping up with his health.

The one advice he could give to other patients who are undergoing a transplant is to always stay positive. “Stay positive because positive in your mind is positive in your body.”

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