Carl's Story

Carl was first detected with kidney disease in 1984. After 20 years of difficult but good health management, he reached end-stage renal failure, which he was then undertaking renal dialysis. 3 months later, Carl was lucky to receive a kidney transplant.

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Les' Story

Les' journey started 15 years ago, when he came down with bladder cancer, which then developed into cancer in the kidney. With that kidney removed, Les was living with one kidney for over 5 years, which the cancer then spread to the other kidney.

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James' Story

James has faced kidney complications over an extended period of time. It gradually lead to a point where he requires to undergo dialysis treatment.

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Matty's Story

Matty was diagnosed with Kidney Disease at the age of 3. He received his first transplant at the age of 13. It was a live donation from his mother, therefore Matty recalled things proceeded with less complication and emotional strain. “Everyone around me was telling me that, you know life will get better from here than my previous 13 years and this turned out to be the case”. The transplant managed to last for 11 years before he was back on dialysis once again.

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Frank Vig's Story

If you'd met Frank Vig, you might have described him as a gentle diminutive, softly spoken hard of hearing grandfather.

You might also have known him as the co-founder of the Queensland Renal Association (now Kidney Support Network) or the man on the cover of the October 2009 KSN magazine - being celebrated at the World Transplant Games as Australia's oldest living transplant recipient - he was 93.

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Janelle's Story

Since age 10, Janelle has lived with Type I diabetes. This did not stop her pursuing a career as an opera singer and travelling the world. She sang full-time with the Australian Opera, Sydney, and Frankfurt Opera, Germany, before going blind at age 29 from the complications of diabetes.

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Little Luca's Story

The eight water bottles 19-month-old Luka Woodward used to take to day care would make any camel proud, jokes his mum Debbie, 34, from Shorncliffe in Brisbane. But behind the humour is an exhausted woman waking eight times a night to keep her son alive.…

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Steve's Story

Steve is a transplant recipient having able to sustain a healthy kidney for the past 26 years. The result didn’t come without its own share of emotional and physical drawback; however he hoped to share his experience to help give readers some insight about kidney transplant.

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Amanda's Story

Amanda kidney failure was steamed from the development of type-one diabetes. After being on dialysis for about 6 months, she was able to receive her transplant in 2006. Amanda described the transplant experience as a “miracle”. The transplant has open doors to new opportunities and…

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